South Sudan's Journey to Nationhood: The People: Portraits and Interviews: 10_IFOTO

Edward OhucholiIfoto (Horiok){quote}Fr. Santurnino came and he joined them (Anyanya).  He took some soldiers up to Congo and they brought guns and they fought…they were living in the mountains around here…I joined in 1965…when we were in Anyanya, we walked and we fought.  They sent planes to fight us.{quote}

Edward Ohucholi 


Ifoto (Horiok) 

"Fr. Santurnino came and he joined them (Anyanya). He took some soldiers up to Congo and they brought guns and they fought…they were living in the mountains around here…I joined in 1965…when we were in Anyanya, we walked and we fought. They sent planes to fight us."